Sofia A. Carvalho

(Lisboa, 1979) is an essayist, poet, performer and PhD candidate and researcher in the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon. She is attending the PhD Program in Literary Studies with a fellowship granted by the Foundation for Science and Technology, focusing on Teixeira de Pascoaes’s work and thought, one of the most significant poets of the Portuguese Literature of the XIX-XX centuries. In 2017, she organized three thematic academic volumes concerning the poetic and philosophical thought of Teixeira de Pascoaes and was the scientific coordinator of Pascoaes: from the Gatão Mansion to the Universe exposition, which took place at the National Library of Portugal. She published articles and poems in Portuguese Anthologies of Poetry. In this context, her work has been selected by the XXVII WORLD PRIZE OF POETRY NOSSIDE, Unesco World Poetry Directory in 2011. Since 2018, Sofia started an electroacoustic poetry duo with João Castro Pinto, having played at Makaronic’s annual event ‘pem#9 – poésies en mouvement’, in Genève, from which Hiante is the first result of this collaboration.

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